Today I testified at the Massachusetts State House on my bill. This bill started out as an idea I presented to the American Heart Association nearly four years ago...and four years later with the support of the Massachusetts Heart Association, Allyson Perron Drag, and Representative Dan Ryan, and legislative aid, Sean Getchell ... here I am!
This bill asks healthcare providers to screen women for Factor V Leiden, a blood clotting disorder, that makes being on birth control pill, or taking other hormones, more dangerous and puts women at a greater risk of stroke. The purpose of this bill is to prevent unnecessary strokes and blood clots in women ( link to more information about Factor 5 Leiden ). I don’t want any other women to suffer blood clots, stroke, and a heartbreaking miscarriage like I did, just because they didn’t know they carried a blood disorder that can be diagnosed by a simple blood test.
I was so SO nervous today. I have spoken at the State House quite a few times now, but it never felt like today. This bill is so important to me, and I know when I get this nervous I mix up my words, forget what I want to say, and say “um” way more than I even usually do, and just in general do odd things. I really wanted to be focused and clear and make sure I presented my case perfectly. But as I was nearing the State House I could feel my nervousness growing and that sense that I was going to mess up was getting bigger. I even said to myself “Why on earth did I do this to myself, why do I create situations that makes me feel this scared”?
Just as I was about to walk in to the State House doors I heard someone call my name from the street. It was Fez Aswat, my meditation teacher. I mean how amazing, right? We chatted briefly, he wished me well, and then I went in. As I was walking the long hall to the hearing room I thought to myself “what could running into my meditation teacher at this very important moment mean”? And I was instantly reminded of Fez’s words in our meditation classes. This definitely is not an exact quote but Fez says something along the lines of when you are uncomfortable or in the midst of painful moment , a moment of unease, see if you can shift your attention to find anywhere in your body where you can feel/find ease. I knew I had to try it whole body felt unease- but I shifted my attention to my breath- and found that ease. I did some of the grounding breaths I teach in my classes. Surprisingly I found ease really quickly. I felt my whole body shift. I felt calm. I was able to come out of the panic and worry that was making my thoughts feel chaotic and instead into the present moment and just for an instant feel excitement instead of fear for what I was about to do. I reminded myself that I am doing this not to torture myself but for a bigger purpose. I felt a flood of all the words I needed to say come back to my brain. I felt ready and walked more calmly into the hearing room. I honestly feel running into Fez was the miracle I needed in that exact moment to allow me not only the calm/peace to be able to say what I came to the State House to say, but also the ability to see and feel the excitement in being right in an exact moment that I had worked really hard to get to. That interruption in my fear based, self doubting train of thought, was a miracle. Thank you Universe and thank you Fez.
With my meditation teacher, Fez Aswat
Don’t get me wrong- I was still a little nervous and of course did still end up doing something odd. I was waiting for our names to be called. I knew it was going to happen any second, but when I did actually hear my name called to come up and testify, I felt shocked. I jumped up and grabbed my notes. What I didn’t realize is that I also grabbed a Serena & Lily catalog that was in my handbag. When I walked down in front of all the Senators and State Representatives I had my notes, and oh, yes, my Serena and Lily Catalog. All the Legislators were all seated above me, so I am pretty sure they all saw it and were probably wondering why I brought my home shopping catalog up for my very important hearing. Oh well, a funny moment I will always remember. On the front cover of the Serena & Lily catalog are the words “Inspiration Delivered”. Pretty sure the Universe wanted to make sure I got this message loud and clear and in-black & white. The message, the miracle, that at any moment “a new inspiration can be delivered”, a NEW thought, A New path, basically a New anything, and if you are open to it, if you can see even the space for a NEW option to emerge, then NEW is always available to you. You can choose to pivot at any time and change and shift the direction you are going in (or thinking in) just by deciding to. ( I think I may be reading too much Marianne Williamson lately- ha).
Inspiration Delivered
I feel like I did well, I hit all the points I wanted to make. I am so grateful I had Allyson Perron Drag by my side. Allyson is the Director of Government Affairs for the Heart Association. Allyson is brilliant and also really cares about this bill and is always working to improve policy in Massachusetts to prevent strokes. Allyson has been with me every step of the way and taught me “how a bill becomes a law”. I am so thankful to her, especially for sharing the laugh over my Serena & Lily Catalog. This bill still has a ways to go. It has to go through committees and wait to be eventually voted on. I am not sure how long this whole process takes but I know it can be months or longer.
Thank you to everyone for their support, all the messages I received, I am so thankful. I especially send out thanks to the families that have reached out to me that have been personally effected by stroke because of Factor V Leiden and the birth control pill. Thank you to the parents who have reached out to me, the ones that that have lost their daughters, I am sorry, I thank you and I know you are with me in hoping for progress on this bill.
Massachusetts State House