Happy Holidays My Friends!
First and foremost, I wanted to thank everyone so very much for continuing to stay connected with me online and in person during these past difficult two years. I thank you from the bottom of my heart!
I often get asked iabout what my favorite things are …for example, what are my favorite leggings or sneakers? What am I loving for fitness and wellness products? So …I thought this was a perfect time to share my FAVORITES list with you all of you. All the things listing below are truly products and services I have personally tried and enjoy! I hope this helps you with your holiday shopping and gifts to treat yourself!
1. My all time favorite leggings:
Believe me I have tried quite a few leggings from many different companies…. and these by far are my favorite fit!
2. Be Strong Barre Socks:
I love how cute and athletic looking these grippy socks are. They also come in different colors.
3. Good Night Sleep Elixir by Kroma Wellness :
I have been drinking this magnesium drink before bed for a few months now and I really do feel it has helped me relax and get ready to fall asleep. I also think it is great for those of us (like me) that goes for a snack before bed even if I am not hungry, just something I do out of habbit -.haha. .( Always consult a doctor before starting a new supplement).
Description From Kroma Wellness: A good night’s sleep not only feels amazing, it’s also essential to your health. But sometimes our minds won’t allow our bodies to take the break we need. Our After Hours Elixir combines prebiotics with three natural types of magnesium and l’theanine specifically intended to help you reach a deeper state of relaxation and restore your body throughout the sleep cycle. Maybe that’s why they call it beauty sleep. Ps. It might help you poop better too :
4. My favorite Audible/Book
I discovered this book from meditation teacher, Biet Simkin, and I just love it. I was hooked right in the introduction when Biet used the movie Forest Gump as an analogy to our soul. Forest Gump is my all time favorite movie.
I also love that each chapter is only 5-10 minutes and each chapter touches on a new idea/concept that Biet gives guidance/perspective on. I love the way she articulates her thoughts on each new idea and gives practical and wise tips on how we might shift our thoughts to feel more understanding. I can’t recommend this enough and she has a fascinating story. I also highly recommend listening to the book instead of reading it because she has a great voice!
I recommend the Audible version
5. Permanent Jewelry by Melene Kent Jewels
My dear friend and jewelry designer , Christie Melene Kent has been making unique and beautiful jewelry for years and she just launched her line of permanent jewelry. I recently visited her in Essex, MA to get a delicate gold chain bracelet welded on. It only took a few minutes and I love it! You can also choose silver or other styles of gold. I am working on setting up a pop in Charlestown for all my local friends, so please let me know if a local pop up store this something you would be interested in.
6. Joan of Arctic Snow Boots
I always feel like I struggle with finding a snow boots that are cute and comfortable. I found them this year! I love these Sorel Joan of Artic waterproof boots.
They have been selling out…. but I did just see that Macy’s has them in stock. Also keep your eye out for sales, I got them half off during a Black Friday sale.
7. Blue Bottle Coffee Subscription
If you know me, you know that I like coffee just a little bit! More like an obsession..haha. And so far, Blue Bottle’s Hayes Valley Espresso bean is my favorite coffee I brew at home. I have a monthly subscription but you can also order a single bag or gift sets. A must try!
8. Laneige Lip Balm and Mask
I really am low maintenance when it comes to skin and body products (I know a little surprising to some , but I don’t use many beauty products) . I do however, love this lip balm and mask. The lip balm has a slight tint and the night mask is so soothing. I use the lip balm on its own or usually put it on top of my lipstick so it blends easier. Laneige has a cute holiday gift set with a smaller size of both for $21.
9. Nike SuperRep Sneaker
The Nike SuperRep Groove designed for cardio dance classes are my favorites! I don’t dance or do cardio ( of any kind lol) in them but they are so comfortable. I do walk a lot and my feet feel great in them! I also love the newer design. I got my pair at the Nike outlet but they are still available online. The new SuperRep style comes in other colors.
Nike SuperRep Sneaker
10: Gift Card to Jessica Diaz Wellness
I know! You are thinking obviously I will include my stuff as my favorite …..hahaha.. But here is the thing. My classes really work and are designed for all fitness levels, including pre/post baby workouts. After over two decades of studying and testing different methods and combinations of movements, I am so proud of the method I have created. At almost 45 years old, I feel I am the strongest and most fit I have been in my life. The key is consistency.
When all the fitness studios closed in the beginning of the pandemic, I was forced to move all my classes online only…which ended up meaning that I had to do them all ….in entirety… in order for online people to easily follow along. I ended up having to do 4-6 of my own workouts every week. The first week I was exhausted, sore, and could barley get through the whole class….by week 4, I was shocked at my results. I started to see the amazing transformations that made me fall in love with barre over 20 years ago. And the best part!!!… my style today is way more mindful, more focused on breathwork, less intense then 20 years ago, but even more effective. In my two decades of studying fitness, I have learned ways to improve the effectiveness of the movements that I incorporate into my classes. I have to say it again, consistency is KEY! I created a library of over 50 videos of different style and durations to make the classes easier to fit into busy schedules.
A one month gift card to my on-demand workout classes is $19.99 or the Holiday Special Membership $50 for four months.
11. SPRI 2 pound Wrist/Ankle Weights
I have tested and tried a ton of different style ankle and hand weights over the years and these are at the top of my list. These 2 pound weights are surprisingly inexpensive compared to a lot of others. The Velcro grip is great and they double as ankle weights. I prefer these to the more expensive wood styles ones because they are much softer and don’t pinch my skin. I have now incorporated these into all of my classes.
12. Comfortable Stylish Athletic and Day Wear
I really have found that Carbon38 is one of the best one stop-shop websites for stylish athleisure clothing and accessories. I love this company so much that I have been an ambassador for years! I also have a discount code you can use for any purchases: Discount Code: Jessicadia50
13. Last But Not Least - 5 Day Fast Mimicking Diet
This one is a bit tricky to describe. I want to say from the start that the reason I am adding this to this list has NOTHING TO DO With Weight loss but is about health and longevity. I have completed the Prolon fast a few times and have to say I have never felt better. In all honestly, I can’t say that I enjoyed it while was doing it, but can say it was worth it! This 5 day food mimicking fast is designed to trick your body into thinking it is fasting so you can benefit from the healing power of fasting, while still eating. As I stated in the beginning of this post, I am only sharing things on this guide that I have personally tried and like. If you would like to order you can use this discount link with this discount code: Jessicadiazwellness
I know the New Year is a time people try resets and detoxes and countless other programs and so I wanted to share this one. My thoughts are if you are going to do a 5 day “reset” you may as well reap some of the pretty amazing health benefits that have been clinically proven. Before purchasing, I highly recommend doing some of your own research by reading through the Prolon website and watching this youtube video with Bestselling author Dr. Mark Hyman. Pleases read through the eligibility to make sure this is a safe option for you and also ask your doctor before starting.
I also shared my experience on Prolon in my Instagram stories.
Prolon 5 Day Fasting Mimicking Diet with discount code: jessicadiazwellness