I hit one of the goals today. This is something I have officially been working on consistently for about a year (minus the covid break), but really for about 30 years. I squatted three pounds more than my weight. I have been training slowly, steadily, and safely for a year to be able to do this. I am proud of myself something that is pretty hard for me to say). This feels like a very huge accomplishment, maybe bigger than it really is, but for me, it feels pretty darn big and here is why:
Read moreHow Barre Helps me stay Fit Over Forty
At 43 I am the strongest I have ever been in my life. I did it by shifting my mindset (and working seriously hard). I find talking about weight loss/ getting in shape right now, pretty tricky – mostly because I want to be careful not to promote the wrong message. And because one of the biggest pitfalls I see being “sold” in the world and on social media about fitness/weight loss is the idea that you can “start this program or that one or follow a certain diet” and you will look completely transformed in X amount of time. The problem with this is that – 1) I really believe there is no one fit all approach to health and fitness, what worked for one person may not work for all and 2) the people promoting these transformations I can bet you, are often times doing way beyond what they are sharing that they do. This is often leaving people that don’t get the results promised by some programs felling like they failed or they must just lack the discipline to change (trust me I have been there). And that can be very demotivating. For example, I can share with you what I have been doing to get in better shape, if you ask me , I would say “teaching 4-5 barre classes a week ( now online I actually do the class) and lift weights twice a week, and eat healthy. Great- sounds simple right? But what is missing is on top of that – I physically practice the class before I teach it, I am active pretty much all day with my kids, I take my dog on long walks, I eat very strategically based on the amount of exercise I do each day ( this is to make sure I am eating enough) . I am moving way more than my workouts. I am sharing all this because it is the whole real picture, not a packaged wellness program. And I am really enjoying it. Side note: Joy is a secret ingredient to sticking with a program long term (More on that another time).
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